/** * kvizy v 1.3 */ if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function () { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] !== undefined ? args[number] : match; }); }; } (function ($) { window.quizes = {}; var TIMEDOUT = -400; /** * Quiz class * @returns {_L1.Quiz} */ function Quiz() { this.strings = { correct: "Správná odpověď!", incorrect: "Nesprávná volba!", begin: "Spustit test", retry: "Opakovat", results: "Hodnocení", result_title: '{0}{1} {3} {2} správně', result_title_simple: '{0}', next: 'Další otázka', barwidth: 115 }; this.html = { front: '', // picture url, headline-title, text, button front_nopic: '', // headline-title, text, button front_simple: '
', // button question: '', // id, question, progress, total count, answers, button button: '{1}', // class, text answer: '
', // id, text answer_result: '
', // result text correnct/incorrect answer_hint: '
', // text result: '', // result title text, long text, button picture: '', title_text: '{0}', face: '
', result_image: '
', audio: '
', charts: '
', share: 'Sdílej výsledek' }; this.ze = [ 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 14, 16, 17, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 70, 100 ]; this.base_url = 'https://aplikace.rozhlas.cz/kvizy'; this.url = this.base_url + '/export/%id/kviz.json'; this.result_url = this.base_url + '/insert-result/%id/%points'; this.id = 0; this.title = ""; this.faces = false; this.random_answers = false; this.random_questions = false; this.countdown_type = "none"; this.coutndown_limit = 0; this.points = false; this.text = ""; this.picture = ""; this.questions_sort = []; this.questions = []; this.results = []; this.show_all_results = 0; this.countdown = null; // Countdown object this.parent = null; this.step = -1; // -1 front, 0 first question, 1.... - result this.starttime = 0; this.close_logged = false; this.status = 'loaded'; // loaded, started, conpleted, restarted this.player_lib = { 'jwplayer': 'https://www.rozhlas.cz/img/jwplayer/7/2/4/jwplayer.js', 'uniplayer': 'https://aplikace.rozhlas.cz/reportaze/sites/default/modules/cro_reportaze/dist/jquery.uniplayer.js', 'key': 'XcWx9RdKt0onC3AOOqe7dooKPvT7xgOkL0OOk/9yLD8=' }; } Quiz.prototype.setUrls = function(base_url) { this.base_url = base_url; this.url = this.base_url + '/export/%id/kviz.json'; this.result_url = this.base_url + '/insert-result/%id/%points'; }; /** * init function, load quiz * @param {DOM element} element * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.init = function (element) { if(element.data("base-url")) { this.setUrls(element.data("base-url")); } this.id = parseInt(element.text()); this.parent = element; // this.parent.before(this.html.loader); window.jwplayer = undefined; $.fn.uniplayer_init = undefined; this.load(); }; /** * Load new Quiz from JSONP * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.load = function () { var d = new Date(); var t = d.getTime(); $.ajax({ url: this.url.replace('%id', this.id), dataType: 'jsonp', cache: true, jsonp: false }); }; /** * @param {Boolean} reset * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.start = function () { // this.parent.prev().remove(); $('.quiz-wrapper-d').toggleClass('loaded', true); this.step = -1; this.status = 'loaded'; this.parent.empty(); this.appendFront(); this.log('load', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']'); $('.quiz').show(); this.parent.children('.quiz-frame').show(); this.countdown = new Countdown(this); }; /** * restart quiz * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.restart = function () { for (var i in this.questions) { if (this.questions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.questions[i].reset(); } } if (this.countdown) { this.countdown.left = this.countdown.limit; this.countdown.stats_left = this.countdown.stats_limit; } this.parent.children('.quiz-frame').slideUp(function () { $(this).remove(); }); this.step = -1; this.status = 'restarted'; this.log('retry', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']'); this.nextStep(); }; Quiz.prototype.appendFront = function () { this.parent.append(this.renderFront()); var that = this; this.parent.find('.button').click(function () { that.nextStep(); that.log('start', that.title + ' [' + that.id + ']'); that.parent.parent().parent().find('.image').slideUp(); $('.picture-quiz .img').slideUp(); }); /* workaround to prevent lightbox on image */ if ($.fn.jquery !== "1.6.4") { this.parent.parent().parent().find('.image a').off('click'); } this.parent.parent().parent().find('.image a').unbind('click'); this.parent.parent().parent().find('.image a').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)'); if ($.fn.jquery === "1.6.4") { this.parent.parent().parent().find('.image').click(function () { that.nextStep(); that.log('start', that.title + ' [' + that.id + ']'); that.parent.parent().parent().find('.image').slideUp(); $('.picture-quiz .img').slideUp(); }); } else { this.parent.parent().parent().find('.image').on('click', function () { that.nextStep(); that.log('start', that.title + ' [' + that.id + ']'); that.parent.parent().parent().find('.image').slideUp(); $('.picture-quiz .img').slideUp(); }); } }; Quiz.prototype.nextStep = function () { this.parent.children('.quiz-frame').slideUp(function () { $(this).remove(); }); this.showNextStep(); }; Quiz.prototype.showNextStep = function () { this.step += 1; if (this.step === 0 && this.status === 'loaded') { this.starttime = this.now(); } if (this.step >= this.questions.length) { this.submitResult(); this.appendResult(); this.parent.children('.quiz-frame').slideDown(); this.status = 'completed'; this.logTime(false); } else { this.questions[this.step].appendQuestion(); this.parent.children('.quiz-frame').slideDown(); this.status = 'started'; this.countdown.nextFrame(); } this.updateProgressBar(); }; Quiz.prototype.submitResult = function() { if(this.points !== false) { var result = this.getQuestionCounts(); var url = this.result_url.replace('%id', this.id).replace("%points", result.correct); $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', cache: false }); } }; /** * prepare html element * @returns {String} out */ Quiz.prototype.renderFront = function () { var out = ""; var button = this.html.button.format('start', this.strings.begin); out += this.html.front_simple.format(button); // if (this.picture !== null) { // out += this.html.front.format(this.picture,this.title,this.text, button); // } else { // out += this.html.front_nopic.format(this.title,this.text, button); // } return out; }; /** * * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.appendResult = function () { var result = this.renderResult() this.parent.append(result.element); if (this.countdown && this.countdown.type === "all") { this.countdown.init(true); } var that = this; this.parent.find('.button').click(function () { that.restart(); }); var count = this.getQuestionCounts(); this.log('completed-correct', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']', count.correct); }; /** * * @returns {_L13.Quiz.prototype@arr;results@call;render} */ Quiz.prototype.renderResult = function () { var res = this.getQuestionCounts(); if (this.results.length === 1) { return this.results[0].render(res.correct, res.total, res.timedout); } else { for (var i in this.results) { if (this.results.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var r = this.results[i]; if ((r.from <= res.correct) && (r.to >= res.correct)) { return this.results[i].render(res.correct, res.total, res.timedout); } } } } }; /** * * @param {Boolean} type - correct/incorrect * @returns {String} */ Quiz.prototype.renderFace = function (type) { if (!this.faces) return null; var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (type) { return this.html.face.format('correct', "face-" + rnd); } else { return this.html.face.format('incorrect', "face-" + rnd); } }; /** * updates progressBar width * @returns {undefined} none */ Quiz.prototype.updateProgressBar = function () { var qc = this.getQuestionCounts(); var w = Math.floor((qc.answered / qc.total) * this.strings.barwidth); this.parent.find('.progressbar').animate({width: w}); }; /** * Process JSON input data * @param {Araay} data * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.processData = function (data) { var q = data.nodes[0].node; this.title = q.title; this.faces = q.faces === '1' || false; this.random_answers = q.random_answers || false; this.random_questions = q.random_questions || false; this.show_all_results = parseInt(q.show_all_results); this.picture = q.picture || null; this.text = q.text; this.countdown_type = q.countdown_type || "none"; this.countdown_limit = q.countdown_limit || 0; this.questions_sort = JSON.parse(q.questions_sort); var q_obj = {}; var audio = false; for (var i in q._questions.nodes) { if (q._questions.nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var e = q._questions.nodes[i].node; if (e !== undefined) { var qu = new Question(e.id, this); qu.text = e.text; qu.picture = e.picture; if (e.picture_data !== null) { $('.quiz-before').addClass('picture-quiz'); qu.picture_data = e.picture_data; var ratio = qu.picture_data.width / qu.picture_data.height; if (ratio > 1) { qu.picture_data.orientation = 'horizontal'; } else { qu.picture_data.orientation = 'vertical'; } } if (e.audio !== null) { qu.audio = e.audio; audio = true; } qu.setAnswers(e, q.random_answers); q_obj[qu.id] = qu; } } } if (audio) { this.initPlayer(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.questions_sort.length; i++) { this.questions[i] = q_obj[this.questions_sort[i]]; } for (var i in q._results.nodes) { if (q._results.nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var r = q._results.nodes[i].node; if (e !== undefined) { var re = new Result(r.id, this); re.setVals(r.from, r.to, r.text, r.title); re.setPercentage(r.visitors); this.results.push(re); } } } if (parseInt(this.random_questions) === 1) { this.questions = shuffle(this.questions); } this.start(); }; /** * * @returns {_L13.Quiz.questions.length|Number} total nubmer of questions */ Quiz.prototype.getTotal = function () { return this.questions.length; }; /** * * @returns {_L13.Quiz.prototype.getQuestionResults.Anonym$1} array of total, answered, correct, incorrect questions/answers */ Quiz.prototype.getQuestionCounts = function () { var total = 0; var answered = 0; var correct = 0; var incorrect = 0; var timedout = 0; for (var i in this.questions) { if (this.questions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { total += 1; if (this.questions[i].getResult() > -1) { answered += 1; var res = parseInt(this.questions[i].getResult()); if (this.points) { correct += res; } else { if (res === 1) { correct += 1; } else if (res === TIMEDOUT) { timedout += 1; } else { incorrect += 1; } } } } } return {total: total, answered: answered, correct: correct, incorrect: incorrect, timedout: timedout}; }; /** * load player scripts and initialise uniplayer * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.initPlayer = function () { var self = this; if (typeof jwplayer !== 'undefined' && typeof jwplayer.api !== 'undefined') { $('.uniplayer:not(.uniplayer-audio)').uniplayer(); } else { $.cachedScript(self.player_lib.jwplayer, { complete: function () { window.jwplayer.key = "XcWx9RdKt0onC3AOOqe7dooKPvT7xgOkL0OOk/9yLD8="; if (!$.isFunction($.fn.uniplayer_init)) { $.cachedScript(self.player_lib.uniplayer, { complete: function () { $('.uniplayer').uniplayer(); } }); } else { $('.uniplayer').uniplayer(); } } }); } } /** * * @returns {Number} current timestamp */ Quiz.prototype.now = function () { return parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000); }; /** * * @returns {Number} timediff in sec */ Quiz.prototype.runningTime = function () { return (this.now() - this.starttime); }; /** * * @param {Boolean} close if quiz is finished or window closed * @returns {undefined} none */ Quiz.prototype.logTime = function (close) { if (!close) { if (this.starttime > 0 && !this.close_logged) { this.close_logged = true; this.log(this.status + '-time', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']', this.runningTime()); } } else { if (this.starttime > 0) { if (this.status !== 'completed') { this.log('closed-time', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']', this.runningTime()); this.log('closed-answers', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']', this.step + 1); } this.starttime = -1; // ochrana aby sa to nezavolalo 2x } else if (this.starttime === 0) { this.log('closed-nostart', this.title + ' [' + this.id + ']'); } } }; /** * Log to google analytics * @param {String} event * @param {String} id * @param {Number} value * @returns {undefined} */ Quiz.prototype.log = function (event, id, value) { try { if (value !== null) { if (window._gaq !== undefined) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'quiz', event, id, value]); } else { ga('send', 'event', 'quiz', event, id, value); } } else { if (window._gaq !== undefined) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'quiz', event, id]); } else { ga('send', 'event', 'quiz', event, id); } } } catch (err) { console.log(err); console.log(['_trackEvent', 'quiz', event, id, value]); } }; /** * Question class * @param {Number} id NID of question * @param {Quiz} quiz * @returns {_L1.Question} */ function Question(id, quiz) { this.quiz = quiz; this.id = id; this.text = ""; this.picture = null; this.picture_data = null; this.audio = null; this.answers_sort = []; this.answers = []; this.answered = -1; this.selected = { id: 0, index: -1 }; } /** * * @returns {undefined} */ Question.prototype.appendQuestion = function () { var q = this.quiz.parent; var question = this; q.append(this.render()); if (q.find('.audio').length > 0) { q.find('.uniplayer').uniplayer(); jwplayer().setVolume(100); // jwplayer().play(); } // console.log('renderQuestion'); q.find('.answer input').click(function () { question.select(this); }); q.find('.answer-text').click(function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('disabled')) { var el = $(this).parent().children('input'); el.prop('checked', true); el.trigger('click'); } }); q.find('.button').addClass('disabled'); q.find('.button').click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { question.quiz.nextStep(); } }); }; /** * actions after click on answer element * @param {type} element * @returns {undefined} */ Question.prototype.select = function (element, last) { var question = this; var q = this.quiz.parent; question.quiz.countdown.pause(); q.find('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); q.find('.answer').addClass('disabled'); q.find('.button').removeClass('disabled'); var answer = -1; if (element === false) { answer = question.submitAnswer(false); } else { answer = question.submitAnswer($(element).val()); } if (!this.quiz.points) { if (parseInt(answer) === 1) { $(element).parent().addClass('correct'); $(element).parent().append(question.quiz.html.answer_result.format(question.quiz.strings.correct)); question.appendHint($(element), question.selected.index); var face = $(question.quiz.renderFace(true)); } else { $(element).parent().addClass('incorrect'); $(element).parent().append(question.quiz.html.answer_result.format(question.quiz.strings.incorrect)); if (element === false) {} else { var correct = question.getCorrectAnswer(); var c = q.find('input[value="' + correct.id + '"]'); c.parent().addClass('correct'); var hint_index = question.selected.index; question.appendHint(c, hint_index); } var face = $(question.quiz.renderFace(false)); if (this.quiz.countdown.type === "turbo") { last = true; } } face.hide(); q.children().append(face); if (this.quiz.countdown.type !== "none" && this.quiz.faces) { var quiz = this.quiz; var c = quiz.countdown.element; var f = face; c.hide('slide', { direction: 'up', easing: 'easeOutQuint' }); setTimeout(function () { f.show('slide', { direction: 'down', easing: 'easeOutQuint' }); }, 1000); } else { face.show('slide', { direction: 'down', easing: 'easeOutQuint' }); } } q.find('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); q.find('.answer').addClass('disabled'); if (last) { this.quiz.step = this.quiz.getQuestionCounts().total - 1; q.find('.button').text(this.quiz.strings.results); q.find('.button').removeClass('next'); q.find('.button').addClass('results'); } this.autoNext(); q.find('.button').removeClass('disabled'); question.quiz.updateProgressBar(); }; Question.prototype.autoNext = function () { if (this.quiz.step <= this.quiz.questions.length && this.text.length == 0) { if (this.quiz.countdown.type !== "none" && (this.quiz.countdown.type === "turbo" || this.quiz.countdown.type === "single")) { var timeout = 1500; if (this.quiz.faces) { timeout += 1000; } var button = this.quiz.parent.find('.button'); setTimeout(function () { button.trigger('click'); }, timeout); } } }; /** * * @returns {String} html string for question */ Question.prototype.render = function () { var q = this.quiz; var text = q.html.title_text.format(this.text) || ''; var counts = q.getQuestionCounts(); var button = ""; if (q.step + 1 < counts.total) { button += q.html.button.format('next', q.strings.next); } else { button += q.html.button.format('results', q.strings.results); } if (this.picture !== null) { text += q.html.picture.format(this.picture.src, 'question'); } if (this.audio !== null) { text += q.html.audio.format(this.audio, 'question', 'true'); } return q.html.question.format(this.id, text, q.step + 1, counts.total, this.renderAnswers(), button); }; /** * * @returns {String} html string of answers */ Question.prototype.renderAnswers = function () { var out = ""; for (var i in this.answers) { if (this.answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { out += this.answers[i].render(); } } return out; }; /** * * @param {type} element * @param {type} index * @returns {undefined} */ Question.prototype.appendHint = function (element, index) { if (this.answers[index].result !== null) { var hint = $(this.quiz.html.answer_hint.format(htmlDecode(this.answers[index].result))); hint.hide(); element.parent().parent().after(hint); hint.slideDown(); } }; /** * * @param {Array} e - data from JSON * @param {Boolean} randomize - if answers should be shuffled * @returns {undefined} */ Question.prototype.setAnswers = function (e, randomize) { var a_obj = {}; var data = e._answers.nodes; this.answers_sort = JSON.parse(e.answers_sort); var audio = false; for (var i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a = data[i].node; if (a !== undefined) { var an = new Answer(a.id, this.quiz); if (a.audio !== null) { audio = true; } an.setVals(a.text, a.correct, a.points, a.picture, a.picture_data, a.audio, a.result); a_obj[an.id] = an; } } } if (audio) { this.quiz.initPlayer(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.answers_sort.length; i++) { this.answers[i] = a_obj[this.answers_sort[i]]; } if (parseInt(randomize) === 1) { this.answers = shuffle(this.answers); } }; /** * Gets if answer is correct or false and sets values in question, if false force false answer without ID * @param {Integer} answer ID * @returns {Integer|_L1.Question.prototype.submitAnswer@arr;answers.correct} 0/1 incorrect/correct */ Question.prototype.submitAnswer = function (answer) { if (answer !== false) { for (var i in this.answers) { if (this.answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var a = this.answers[i]; if (parseInt(a.id) === parseInt(answer)) { this.selected = { id: a.id, index: i }; if (this.quiz.points) { this.answered = a.points; } else { this.answered = a.correct; } break; } } } this.quiz.log('answer', this.text + ' [' + this.id + '] > ' + this.answers[this.selected.index].text + ' [' + answer + ']'); if (this.quiz.points) { this.quiz.log('question-points', this.text + ' [' + this.id + ']'); } else { if (parseInt(this.answered) === 1) { this.quiz.log('question-correct', this.text + ' [' + this.id + ']'); } else { this.quiz.log('question-incorrect', this.text + ' [' + this.id + ']'); } } } else { this.selected = { id: 0, index: -1 }; this.answered = TIMEDOUT; //timedout this.quiz.log('answer', this.text + ' [' + this.id + '] > ' + "Timeout" + ' [' + answer + ']'); this.quiz.log('question-timedout', this.text + ' [' + this.id + ']'); } return this.answered; }; /** * return index of correct answer for question * @returns {Number, Number} index of correct answer, if no correct answer return -1 */ Question.prototype.getCorrectAnswer = function () { for (var i in this.answers) { if (this.answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (parseInt(this.answers[i].correct) === 1) return {index: i, id: this.answers[i].id}; } } return {index: -1, id: -1}; }; /** * @returns {_L13.Question.anwers|Number} -1 if not answered, 0 if false, 1 if correct */ Question.prototype.getResult = function () { return this.answered; }; /** * clears Question result/answer * @returns {undefined} */ Question.prototype.reset = function () { this.answered = -1; this.selected = { id: 0, index: -1 }; }; /** * Answer class * @param {type} id NID of answer * @param {Quiz} quiz * @returns {_L1.Answer} */ function Answer(id, quiz) { this.quiz = quiz; this.id = id; this.text = ""; this.picture = null; this.picture_data = null; this.audio = null; this.correct = 0; this.points = null; this.result = ""; } /** * Set extra init values for Answer * @param {String} text * @param {Number} correct [0,1] * @param {Number} points * @param {String} result * @returns {undefined} */ Answer.prototype.setVals = function (text, correct, points, picture, picture_data, audio, result) { this.text = text; this.correct = correct; this.points = points; this.picture = picture; this.audio = audio; if (this.points !== null) { this.quiz.points = true; this.points = Number(this.points); } if (picture_data !== null) { $('.quiz-before').addClass('picture-quiz'); this.picture_data = picture_data; var ratio = this.picture_data.width / this.picture_data.height; if (ratio > 1) { this.picture_data.orientation = 'horizontal'; } else { this.picture_data.orientation = 'vertical'; } } this.result = result || null; }; /** * * @returns {_L13.Answer.prototype@pro;quiz@pro;html@call;format} */ Answer.prototype.render = function () { var text = this.text || ''; var cl = ''; if (this.picture !== null) { text += this.quiz.html.picture.format(this.picture.src, 'answer'); cl = this.picture_data.orientation; } if (this.audio !== null) { text += this.quiz.html.audio.format(this.audio, 'answer', 'false'); } return this.quiz.html.answer.format(this.id, text, cl); }; /** * Result class * @param {type} id NID of result * @param {Quiz} quiz * @returns {_L1.Result} */ function Result(id, quiz) { this.quiz = quiz; this.id = id; this.from = 0; this.to = 0; this.percentage_visu = 0; this.percentage_raw = 0; this.texts = []; this.title = ""; } /** * Extra values for Result * @param {Number} from * @param {Number} to * @param {String} text * @param {String} title * @returns {undefined} */ Result.prototype.setVals = function (from, to, text, title) { this.from = from; this.to = to; if (text === null) { text = ""; } this.texts = text.split("[;]"); if (this.texts[this.texts.length - 1] === "") { this.texts.pop(); } this.title = title; }; Result.prototype.setPercentage = function(percentage) { this.percentage_visu = percentage.replace(".", ","); this.percentage_raw = parseFloat(percentage); } /** * * @param {DOM Element} element * @returns {undefined} */ Result.prototype.appendTo = function (element) { var counts = this.quiz.getQuestionCounts(); var el = this.render(counts.correct, counts.total, counts.timedout); element.append(el); var that = this; element.find('.button').click(function () { that.quiz.restart(); }); }; Result.prototype.render = function (correct, total, timedout) { var out = ""; if (this.title !== "") { var title = this.title + " "; } else { var title = ""; } var button = this.quiz.html.button.format('retry', this.quiz.strings.retry); var z = 'z'; if ($.browser.msie) { for (var i in this.quiz.ze) { if (this.quiz.ze.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this.quiz.ze[i] === total) { z = 'ze'; break; } } } } else { if (this.quiz.ze.indexOf(total) >= 0) { z = 'ze'; } } var fireworks = ''; var ratio = parseFloat(correct) / parseFloat(total); if (this.quiz.faces) { if (ratio < 0.34) { fireworks = this.quiz.html.result_image.format('result-worst'); } if (ratio > 0.66) { fireworks = this.quiz.html.result_image.format('result-best'); } if (ratio >= 0.34 && ratio <= 0.66) { fireworks = this.quiz.html.result_image.format('result-average'); } } var text_index = 0; if (this.quiz.countdown_type !== "none") { if (this.quiz.countdown_type === "turbo") { if (timedout > 0) { text_index = 2; } else if (total - correct > 0) { text_index = 1; } else { text_index = 0; } } else { var text_index = this.quiz.countdown.getResultIndex(this.texts); } } if (this.quiz.points) { title = this.quiz.strings.result_title_simple.format(title); } else { title = this.quiz.strings.result_title.format(title, correct, total, z); } var t = (this.texts[text_index]) ? this.texts[text_index] : ""; t = t.replace(/AENDA/g, ""); var url = location.href + '?r=' + text_index + '&t=' + correct; var cltext = $(t).text(); var cltitle = $('' + title + '').text(); var share = this.quiz.html.share.format(url, cltitle, cltext); charts = ''; if(this.quiz.show_all_results) { charts = "

Jak na tom byli ostatní:

"; charts += ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.quiz.results.length; i++) { charts += ""; charts += ""; charts += ""; charts += ""; charts += ""; } charts += "
" + this.quiz.results[i].title + "
" + this.quiz.results[i].percentage_visu + " %
"; charts += "
"; // button = ''; } out += this.quiz.html.result.format(title, t, button, fireworks, share, charts); this.quiz.log('result', title + ' [' + this.id + ']'); if (this.texts[text_index] === '') { var ht = $(out); $(ht).find('.result-text').remove(); return {element: ht, title: cltitle, text: cltext, url: url}; } return {element: out, title: cltitle, text: cltext, url: url}; }; /** * Object Countdown * @param {type} limit * @param {type} quiz * @returns {cro_kvizy_L17.Countdown} */ function Countdown(quiz) { this.quiz = quiz; this.type = quiz.countdown_type; // none, all, single, turbo this.limit = quiz.countdown_limit * 1000; this.left = quiz.countdown_limit * 1000; this.stats_left = 0; this.stats_limit = this.limit; this.scripts_loaded = 0; if (this.type !== "none") { // this.pulsing = false; if (this.type === "single" || this.type === "turbo") { this.stats_limit = this.quiz.getQuestionCounts().total * this.limit; } this.active = false; this.element = null; this.knob = null; this.html = '
'; var countdown = this; if ($.fn.knob) { this.init(); } else { $.getScript('https://aplikace.rozhlas.cz/kvizy/sites/all/libraries/cro_kvizy/jquery.knob.min.js', function () { this.scripts_loaded++; if (this.scripts_loaded === 2) { countdown.init(); } }); $.getScript('https://aplikace.rozhlas.cz/kvizy/sites/all/libraries/cro_kvizy/jquery.pulse.min.js', function () { this.scripts_loaded++; if (this.scripts_loaded === 2) { countdown.init(); } }); } } } Countdown.prototype.init = function (result) { result = (result) ? true : false; if (this.element) { // this.element.children().remove(); } this.element = $(this.html); this.knob = this.element.find('.knob'); this.update(this.left); if (!result) { this.quiz.parent.find('.question:last .answers').prepend(this.element); } else { this.quiz.parent.find('.result-text').append(this.element); } this.knob.attr('data-width', this.element.css('width').replace('px', '')); this.knob.attr('data-height', this.element.css('height').replace('px', '')); this.knob.attr('data-fgColor', rgb2hex(this.element.css('color'))); this.knob.attr('data-fgColorStart', rgb2hex(this.element.css('color'))); this.knob.attr('data-fgColorEnd', rgb2hex(this.element.css('background-color'))); this.knob.attr('data-bgColor', '#eae7e0'); this.element.css('background-color', 'transparent'); this.setKnob(); this.knob.css('font-size', this.element.css('font-size')); }; Countdown.prototype.nextFrame = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } if (this.type !== "all") { this.left = this.limit; } this.init(); this.start(); }; Countdown.prototype.start = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } var that = this; this.element.everyTime(50, 'countdown-' + this.quiz.id, function () { that.everyTime(); }); this.active = true; this.element.stop(); var input = this.element.find('input'); var color = input.css('color'); // input.css('color', '#ffffff'); input.css('opacity', '1.0'); this.element.css('background-color', color); input.animate({ 'color': color }, 1000); this.element.animate({ 'background-color': 'transparent' }, { 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'linear' }); this.element.find('.knob').stop(); }; Countdown.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } if (this.type === "single" || this.type === "turbo") { this.stats_left += this.left; } else { this.stats_left = this.left; } this.element.stopTime('countdown-' + this.quiz.id, null); this.element.stop(); var input = this.element.find('input'); var color = input.css('color'); // input.css('color', '#ffffff'); input.css('opacity', '1.0'); this.element.css('background-color', color); input.animate({ 'color': color }, 1000); this.element.animate({ 'background-color': 'transparent' }, { 'duration': 1000, 'easing': 'linear' }); this.element.find('.knob').stop(); this.active = false; }; Countdown.prototype.pause = function () { this.stop(); }; Countdown.prototype.resume = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } if (this.type === "single" || this.type === "turbo") { this.left = this.limit; } this.update(this.left); this.start(); }; Countdown.prototype.everyTime = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } this.left -= 50; if (this.left <= 0 && this.type !== "all") { this.left = 0; this.timedout(); } if (this.left === 0 && this.type === "all") { this.stop(); this.element.remove(); this.nextFrame(); } if (this.left % 1000 === 300) { this.element.find('input').css('opacity', '0.5'); } else if (this.left % 1000 === 0) { this.element.find('input').css('opacity', '1.0'); } this.update(this.left); }; Countdown.prototype.timedout = function () { if (this.type === "none") { return null; } var step = this.quiz.step; var last = false; if (this.type === "turbo") { last = true; } this.stop(); this.quiz.questions[step].select(false, last, true); }; /** * update rendering * @param {type} seconds * @returns {undefined} */ Countdown.prototype.update = function (ms) { // this.element.find('.knob').attr('value', ms); this.knob.val(ms).trigger('change'); }; Countdown.prototype.getResultIndex = function (array) { if (this.type === "all") { var step = this.stats_limit / (array.length - 1); if (this.stats_left < 0) { return array.length - 1; } var index = Math.floor((this.stats_limit - this.stats_left) / step); return index; } else { return 0; } }; Countdown.prototype.setKnob = function () { var knob = this.knob; var cursor = false; if (this.left <= 0) { cursor = 30; } knob.knob({ 'fgColorStart': knob.attr('data-fgColorStart'), 'fgColorEnd': knob.attr('data-fgColorEnd'), 'countdown': this, 'min': 0, 'max': this.limit, 'thickness': 0.4, 'readOnly': true, 'cursor': cursor, 'format': function (value) { var sign = ""; if (value <= 0) { value = Math.abs(this.countdown.left); sign = "-"; } var totalSec = Math.ceil(Math.abs(value) / 1000); var minutes = parseInt(totalSec / 60) % 60; var seconds = totalSec % 60; var sep = ":"; // if (value % 1000 > 300) { // sep = " "; // } var val = sign + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes) + sep + (seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds); return val; }, 'parse': function (value) { var v = parseFloat(value); v = v % this.max; // if (this.countdown.left < 0) { // this.min = this.max * (-1); // this.max = 0; // } return v; }, 'draw': function () { var v = this.v; if (this.o.countdown.left >= 0) { this.cv = this.o.max - this.o.countdown.left; } else { this.cv = this.o.countdown.left % this.o.max * (-1); } var lwmax = (this.xy * this.o.thickness); // max line width var lwmin = (lwmax * 0.7); // min line width var lw = lwmax - lwmin; var radmax = this.xy - lwmax / 2; var radmin = radmax - ((lw) / 2); this.lineWidth = lwmin; this.radius = radmin; if (v < 5000) { var stp = (v % 1000) / 1000; this.lineWidth = lwmin + lw * stp; this.radius = radmin + (radmax - radmin) * stp; this.o.fgColor = this.o.fgColorEnd; this.$.css({'color': this.o.fgColorEnd}); } if (v <= 6000 && v >= 5000) { var v2 = v - 5000; var ce = colorParse(this.o.fgColorStart); //Start color var cs = colorParse(this.o.fgColorEnd); //End color var ends = new Array(new Color(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2]), new Color(ce[0], ce[1], ce[2])); var steps = 1000 / this.o.step; var step = new Array(3); var color = mixPalette(); this.o.fgColor = color; this.$.css({'color': color}); } function Color(r, g, b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.coll = new Array(r, g, b); this.text = cText(this.coll); } function colorParse(c) { c = c.toUpperCase(); var col = c.replace(/[\#\(\)]*/i, ''); var num = new Array(col.substr(0, 2), col.substr(2, 2), col.substr(4, 2)); var ret = new Array(parseInt(num[0], 16), parseInt(num[1], 16), parseInt(num[2], 16)); return (ret); } function stepCalc() { step[0] = (ends[1].r - ends[0].r) / steps; step[1] = (ends[1].g - ends[0].g) / steps; step[2] = (ends[1].b - ends[0].b) / steps; } function mixPalette() { stepCalc(); var r = (ends[0].r + (step[0] * v2)); var g = (ends[0].g + (step[1] * v2)); var b = (ends[0].b + (step[2] * v2)); var color = new Color(r, g, b); return color.text; //console.log(palette[i]); } function cText(c) { var result = ''; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { var val = Math.round(c[k] / 1); var piece = val.toString(16); if (piece.length < 2) { piece = '0' + piece; } result = result + piece; } result = '#' + result.toUpperCase(); return result; } } }); }; /** * Shuffles elements in array * @param {Array} array * @returns {@var;temporaryValue} shuffled array */ function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } /** * start the process */ $(document).ready(function () { $.getScript('https://aplikace.rozhlas.cz/kvizy/sites/all/libraries/cro_kvizy/jquery-ui.min.js'); $('.quiz-wrapper-d .quiz').each(function () { var id = parseInt($(this).text()); if (id > 0) { window.quizes[id] = new Quiz(); window.quizes[id].init($(this)); } }); }); if ($.fn.jquery !== "1.6.4") { $(window).on('beforeunload', function (e) { for (q in window.quizes) { window.quizes[q].logTime(true); } }); } $(window).unload(function () { for (q in window.quizes) { window.quizes[q].logTime(true); } }); $.cachedScript = function (url, options) { // Allow user to set any option except for dataType, cache, and url options = $.extend(options || {}, { dataType: "script", cache: true, url: url }); // Use $.ajax() since it is more flexible than $.getScript // Return the jqXHR object so we can chain callbacks return jQuery.ajax(options); }; }(jQuery)); function jsonp_kviz(data) { var id = parseInt(data.nodes[0].node.nid); window.quizes[id].processData(data); } function htmlDecode(input) { var e = document.createElement('div'); e.innerHTML = input; return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } var hexDigits = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"); //Function to convert hex format to a rgb color function rgb2hex(rgb) { rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]); } function hex(x) { return isNaN(x) ? "00" : hexDigits[(x - x % 16) / 16] + hexDigits[x % 16]; } function loadScript(url, callback) { // Adding the script tag to the head as suggested before var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; // Then bind the event to the callback function. // There are several events for cross browser compatibility. script.onreadystatechange = callback; script.onload = callback; // Fire the loading head.appendChild(script); }